New customer registration

Are you a specialist company in the automotive industry with a professional installation workshop and are you interested in selling our products as an authorised Ampire dealer? Then please create a customer number here in the online shop with your company data. Then send your dealer enquiry with the shop customer number to the email address Our responsible office or field service will contact you as soon as possible.
Please understand that we, as a specialist trade-oriented sales organisation, cannot supply sideline businesses, online shops and import/export companies.

In order to purchase any items in our shop, please register here first.
After you have logged in you will be shown the applicable prices. You can also check the delivery status of your order.
necessary information
Billing address

another field
Birth date (
Contact person
Your email address is required for sending you information on your order.
Shipping address, if not the same as billing address 
If shipping is to an address which does not coincide with the above billing address, please enter shipping address here!
another field

Contact person
Login data
Promotion code